MacWorld Announcements (and OS X experiences)

Everyone's talking about Apple's recent MacWorld annoucements (as Mattew Thomas points out, that's mindshare, baby).

The coolest thing I saw is that Apple has finally released a laptop in the form factor I like -- the 12 inch PowerBook. At 4.6 pounds, it's still heavier than my 2.9 pound Sony Vaio, but it has an integrated DVD drive. That's nice. The only reason I didn't by an Apple laptop was because there was nothing as small as the Vaio.

The other cool thing is that the new Safari browser has integrated spell checking. I wrote this last summer: "It's 2002. Why doesn't my web browser have a spell checker?" Now it does -- if I'd switch.

Since I'm talking about Apple, I'd like to share some thoughts about my love/hate relationship with OS X.

My dad has a TiBook and my sister has a 15 inch flat screen iMac. Like the new Apple computers, these are amazing machines. While I was in Pennsylvania I got plenty of time to use them. OS X looks amazing. Everything is very smooth and polished looking. But I hate using it.

On Linux, I know nothing will work, so I'm pleasantly surprised when it does. On Windows, everything mostly works as I expect, and I get pissed when it doesn't. On Mac OS X, I expect perfection, and I get upset when the OS doesn't follow through.

Why don't I like using OS X? Let me count the ways...

  1. I dispise the dock. It's terrible. There are no excuses.
  2. Application switching behavior sucks. Alt Tab doesn't work as on Windows. I heard Command Tab does, but I tried that last night, and it didn't work either.
  3. Disregard of Fitt's law in all four corners of the screen.
  4. Transparency in menus and titles. Who's idea was this, anyway? It makes text impossible to read. I understand it's better in Jaguar, but it should've never been there in the first place.
  5. Creator codes that cause Classic to launch.
  6. tcsh. Need I say more? Why, why, why?

If Apple fixes 1 and 2, I'd switch in a heartbeat. I can live with (or hack around) the rest. But damnit, if I'm going to pay premium prices for software, I expect perfection.