iTunes shuffle observation
Since I got my Mac, one of the first things I did was put all of my
(entirely legally obtained) music into iTunes. It's interesting to see how
my musical tastes have changed over the years. I haven't listened to much
of my own music since I decommissioned my old desktop about two years ago.
Naturally, my tastes have drifted towards the sort of music I've been
exposed to, which is Jenny's: short and loud. Consequently, I have trouble
listening to some of my old music, which tends to be longer and more
involved (Pink Floyd, Tool, Smashing Pumpkins for example). So I find
myself skipping through the list quite a bit.
But, interestingly, I feel like I can get a sense for a old song after
just a few seconds. Before I skip it to go on to the next one, I enjoy a
five second burst of nostalgia.