Tom Moertel:
Coder's Guide to Coffee: "Although coffee is commonly considered a
utility beverage, it is an amazing drink when well prepared. Given its
ubiquity in software and creative circles, it's likely that you will be
drinking a lot of it. So why not prepare it as it was meant to be? Why not
enjoy a truly good cup of coffee? If you buy fresh, high-quality beans,
grind them on the spot, and brew with hot water, you can't go wrong."
I do not drink much coffee. I can't stand the bitter brew that's commonly
made, so I never really got into it. These days, though, I am starting to
appreciate a good cup on the weekend. Jenny and I have been enjoying the
fruits of a nice french press we got for our wedding (thanks!). I'm trying
to get my hands on a Zassenhaus
grinder, but it's proving difficult.