Lileks and Minnesota tech reporting
Like other lefty bloggers, it's fun to engage in a little schadenfreude. Poor Lileks, has to work a real job. And he's obviously not pleased with it:
There's been some talk that I might leverage my mad web skillz into a tech beat, reporting on the Internet. But a local beat about the Internet? How many stories can do you about six guys in a loft coding a hot new start-up? And heaven forbid we have to illustrate them, because then you get the inevitable geek-by-the-screen shot. Look! He's customizing the drop-down location menu so it defaults to the United States instead of Afghanistan!
Ha ha.
But the sad thing is, the Twin Cities need someone working the local tech beat at the Star Tribune.
We just organized one of the largest tech events thrown in Minnesota in years: MinneBar. Around 350 people attended, making it one of the largest BarCamps anywhere, ever.
This is news, people!
And yet I could not get a single reporter from the Star Tribune to come to the event. They've never covered any of our events. We've been in the Pioneer Press four times and the Business Journal at least once. The Strib sucks for tech journalism.